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606.5 Student Field Trips and Excursions

The principal may authorize field trips and excursions when such events contribute to the achievement of the educational goals of the school district. The school district will provide transportation for field trips and excursions.

In authorizing field trips and excursions, the building principal shall consider the financial cost to the school district, the educational benefit of the activity, the inherent risks or dangers of the activity, and other factors deemed relevant by the superintendent. Written parental permission will be required prior to the student's participation in field trips and excursions.

Student trips outside the state, with the exception of the Omaha-Lincoln, Nebraska area, must have the approval of the superintendent.

Board approval shall be required for field trips and excursions which involve unusual length or expense. Educational trips outside the United States require the recommendation of the administration and approval of the Board of Directors. Factors to be considered by the Board shall include the impact of the trip on school attendance, the fundraising requirements, and other factors deemed relevant by the superintendent or Board. Requests for approval of trips of unusual length or expense will generally be considered on a four-year cycle for each sponsoring group.

Field trips and excursions are to be arranged with the building principal well in advance. A detailed schedule, budget, and roster of participants must be submitted by the employee sponsoring the field trip or excursion.

Legal Reference:  390 C.F.R. § 390.3(f) (1993).
Iowa Code § 279.8 (1993).
281 I.A.C. 43.9.

Cross Reference:  Policy 401.23 Transporting of Students by Employees
Policy 502.1 Prohibition of Serious Student Misconduct
Policy 502.9 Good Conduct Rule
Policy 503.7 Student Competition
Series 702 Transportation

Adopted:  Unknown
Modified:  08/30/21
Reviewed:  08/02/21

  • Series 600 Educational Program