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604.4 Programs For Students At Risk

The Board recognizes some students require additional assistance in order to graduate from the regular education program. The Board will provide a program to encourage and provide an opportunity for students at risk to achieve their potential and obtain their high school diploma.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop a plan for students at-risk which provides for identifying students, for program evaluation and for the training of employees.

Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 257.38-.41; 280.19, .19A.
281 I.A.C. 12.5(13); 33; 65.

Cross Reference:  Policy 503.6 Interscholastic Competition
Policy 604.1 Student Guidance and Counseling Program

Adopted:  06/05/89
Modified:  08/02/21
Reviewed:  07/19/21

  • Series 600 Educational Program