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602.8 Co-Curricular Activities

The Board of Directors believes that a dynamic program of student activities is vital to the complete development of the student. Such activities offer opportunities to serve the institution, to assist in development of fellowship and social good will, to promote self-realization and all around growth, and to encourage the learning of qualities of good citizenship.

Participation in school activities is a privilege. School activities provide the benefits of promoting additional interests and abilities in students during their school years and for their lifetimes.

The district is affiliated and pays dues as a member of the Iowa State Music Association, Iowa State Speech Association, Iowa High School Athletic Association, the Iowa High School Girls’ Athletic Union, and the Iowa Association of Student Council. Therefore the school is subject to all the rules and regulations of these associations and the Department of Education.

Furthermore, a student may not violate the policy, rules and regulation of the national associations, state associates, Lewis Central District, coaches/sponsors or any rules and regulations pertaining to eligibility for extra-curricular activity, without jeopardizing the student’s continued participation as it may apply.

To assist in the administration of a student activities program and to provide a framework of communication and review, a detailed structure of the activities program shall be developed by the administration and compiled in an operating procedures manual.

Legal Reference:  None given by IASB.

Cross Reference:  Policy 503.5 Student Activity Program

Adopted:  Unknown
Modified:  08/02/21
Reviewed:  07/19/21

  • Series 600 Educational Program