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504.12 Student Exposure to Irritants and Allergens

Students may be exposed to irritants/allergens that pose a risk to the student’s health and safety during the school day. Parents and students shall take all precautions to ensure that they are not exposed to such irritants and/or allergens.

If the parent(s) requests a meeting, the District will meet with the parent(s) and/or student to discuss the student’s potential exposure to irritant(s) and/or allergen(s), and, if appropriate, develop a plan based on the student’s physician’s recommendation to limit the above student’s exposure to irritant(s) and/or allergen(s). A student with a medically documented allergy will have an asthma/anaphylaxis form on file signed by a parent or guardian.
The District cannot guarantee that the student will never be exposed to such irritants and/or allergens. If a student is exposed to such an irritant and/or allergen and/or suffers from an anaphylactic allergic reaction, the District may administer medication to the student as necessary according to its policies and procedures.

Legal Reference:

Cross Reference:

Adoption:  10/07/19
Modified:  06/21/21
Reviewed:  06/07/21

  • Series 500 Students