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411.7 Evaluation of Classified Employee

Evaluation of support personnel shall be an on-going process conducted by the appropriate supervisors. The evaluations shall be used to maintain personnel who meet or exceed the Board's standards of performance, to clarify each employee's role, to determine areas in need of improvement, and to make employment decisions. Summative evaluations shall be completed annually.

Legal Reference:  Aplington Community School District v. PERB, 392 N.W.2d 495 (Iowa 1986).
Saydel Education Association v. PERB, 333 N.W.2d 486 (Iowa 1983).
Iowa Code §§ 20.9; 279.14.
281 I.A.C. 12.3(3).

Cross Reference:  Policy 301.4 Superintendent of Schools-Evaluation
Policy 306 Administrator Performance Evaluation
Policy 401.3 Evaluation of District Personnel

Adopted:  02/12/90
Modified:  04/05/21
Reviewed:  03/22/21

  • Series 400 Staff Personnel