410.1 Substitute Teachers
The Lewis Central Community Schools shall maintain a list of qualified and licensed substitute teachers who have indicated their desire to substitute teach in the Lewis Central School System. Individuals whose names do not appear on an approved list will not be employed as a substitute without specific approval of the superintendent. Substitute teachers serve in the absence of a regular teacher. There are no contracts for substitute teachers. Substitute teaching assignments are made by school principals on an as needed basis.
Properly certified substitutes shall be paid for their services at a rate set by the Board.
The district will reimburse the substitute teacher up to a maximum of $40 for the required physical examination.
Legal Reference: Iowa Association of School Boards v. PERB, 400 N.W. 2d 571 (Iowa 1987).
Iowa Code 20.1, .4(5), .9 (1991).
281 I.A.C. 12.4.
Cross Reference: Policy 402.1 Definition of Certified Personnel
Policy 401.2 Recruitment, Qualifications, and Selection of District Personnel
Employee Physical Examinations
Adopted: 10/6/86
Modified: 03/22/21
Reviewed: 03/01/21
- Series 400 Staff Personnel