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September 19, 2022 Board Minutes





Un-Official Minutes


Call to Order:  Board President Dorene Scheffel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  At roll call, the following board members responded as present: Mr. Hendrix, Mrs. McDaniel, Mrs. Peterson, Mr. Stoufer, Mr. Weilage, Mrs. Scheffel.

Board members absent at roll call: Ms. Adkins

Administrators:  Dr. Brent Hoesing, Andrea Raes, Dr. Lisa Hartman

Approve Agenda:

Motion: Mr. Hendrix

Second:  Mrs. McDaniel

Discussion: None

Carried:  6-0

Commendations/Good News: 

·         Homecoming Week

·         Voted PPEL passed per unofficial results

Comments & Suggestions:  None

Consent Agenda: Mr. Hendrix moved, seconded by Mrs. McDaniel, that the consent agenda be approved as presented.

Discussion: The Consent Agenda included approval of minutes –August 29, 2022 regular meeting. Financial Reports. Bills recommended for payment. Personnel – Administrative Recommendations: Classified – Approval to Employ – Katherine Reckling, MS Paraeducator; Clista Smith, TH Paraeducator; Gregory Colpitts, TH NS Associate; Bailey Penner, General Maintenance and Grounds Technician. Coaches & Sponsors – Approval to Employ – Hailee Nice, HS Asst Cheerleading Sponsor; Lori Thomas, HS Asst Volleyball Coach; Jennifer Weaver, HS Group Speech Sponsor & HS Individual Speech Sponsor; Alan Strait, HS Asst Speech Sponsor & HS Yearbook Sponsor; Amanda Stevenson, HS Asst Music Director (Marching Band). Classified Staff Changes – Pay/Hour increase or decrease & Promotion; Catherine Conrad, MS 4 hr NS Associate to KR 3 hr NS Associate; Beth VonWeihe, KR Paraeducator to HS Office Clerk; Cheyenne Miller, PTPY to FTFY Adding LCLC Site Supervisor. Misc. Assignments – Chloe Adkins, Choreographer LCMS Show Choir Camp; Kim Barents, Volleyball Line Judge. Miscellaneous Contracts.

Carried:  5-1 with Stoufer opposing


·         Dr. Hoesing presented a construction project update.

·         Dr. Hartman presented an update on Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

·         Dr. Hoesing presented a superintendent report including building surveys, activities excelling, and hosting of play in new auditorium.

Discussion Items

7.01        Purchase of Ventrac for Grounds/Maintenance

Dr. Hoesing presented the quotes to purchase a Ventrac with attachments including cab, canopy, broom, edger, blower and mower. The machine is usable during all seasons.

Ms. Adkins entered the meeting at 7:02 pm.

7.02        Middle/High School Handbook Changes ‐ Illegal Substances

Dr. Hoesing presented the changes to the Middle School and High School Handbooks. The changes are in regard to tobacco and nicotine products on school grounds.

7.03        Purchase of Auditorium Signage

Dr. Hoesing presented the options for the exterior signage on the new auditorium. The options ranges from 3 inch lettering to 6 inch lettering with the largest options costing $62,168.63. The Board was also presented with options to update interior signage for the Black Box Theatre at the cost of $4,297.00.

Comments & Suggestions:   None

Action Items

9.01        Purchase of Ventrac for Grounds/Maintenance

Motion by Mr. Hendrix to approve the purchase of the Ventrac and accessories from Ty’s Outdoor Power and Service for $59,566.

Second: Mr. Stoufer

Discussion: None

Carried: 6-0, with Adkins abstaining

9.02        Middle/High School Handbook Changes ‐ Illegal Substances

Motion by Mr. Hendrix to approve the changes to the Middle School and High School Student Handbooks.

Second: Mr. Stoufer

Discussion: None

Carried: 7-0

9.03        Purchase of Auditorium Signage

Motion by Mr. Hendrix to approve the purchase of exterior auditorium signage not to exceed $62,168.63.

Second: Ms. Adkins

Discussion: None

Carried: 7-0

Motion by Mr. Hendrix to approve the purchase of updated interior auditorium signage in the amount of $4,297.

Second: Ms. Adkins

Discussion: None

Carried: 7-0

7.04       Superintendent Goals (Closed Session)

Closed Session per Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (i), permits a closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered and when that individual requests a closed session.

Motion: Mr. Hendrix

Second: Mr. Stoufer

Discussion: None

Carried via Roll Call Vote: Mr. Hendrix, aye; Mrs. McDaniel, aye; Mrs. Peterson, aye; Mr. Stoufer, aye; Mr. Weilage, aye; Ms. Adkins, aye; and Mrs. Scheffel, aye.

The board entered closed session at 7:24 p.m. 

The board exited closed session at 8:38 p.m.

Information/Future Items

*Regular School Board Meeting – October 3rd, at 6:30 p.m. at the ERC

With no further business before them, at 8:39 p.m. Mr. Stoufer motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mrs. Peterson.  By voice vote, all were in favor.

  • School board minutes