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December 5, 2022 Board Minutes

Annual Meeting

Call to Order:  Board President Dorene Scheffel called the regular meeting to order at 6:34 pm. At roll call, the following board members responded as present:  Ms. Adkins, Mrs. McDaniel, Mr. Stoufer, Mr. Weilage and Mrs. Scheffel. 

Members Absent: Mrs. Peterson

Administrators:  Dr. Brent Hoesing, Dave Black, and Andrea Raes   

 Approve Agenda:   

Motion: Mr. Stoufer

Second: Ms. Adkins

Discussion: None

Carried: 5-0

Commendations/Good News: 

·         Dance Team – State Champions

·         Color Guard – State Champions

·         Lee Toole- NHSBCA Hall of Fame

·         Alumni Justin Toole – Director of Player Development for Seattle Mariners

·         Alumni Max Duggan – 2022 Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award Winner and Heisman Finalist

·         Alumni Caleb Shudak – Kicked in his first NFL Game

·         Nights of Columbus – Donation to Special Olympics

Comments & Suggestions: None

Consent Agenda:    Ms. Adkins moved, seconded by Mrs. McDaniel, that the consent agenda be approved as presented.

Discussion:  The Consent Agenda included approval of minutes – November 21st meeting. Bills recommended for payment. Personnel – Administrative Recommendations:  Volunteer Coach/Sponsor – Approval to Participate – Steven Stonebracker, HS Volunteer Baseball Coach. Classified – Approval of Resignation – Catherine Conrad, KR NS Associate. Misc. Assignments – Deneen Healy, Services; Cassie White, Services; Aaron Nickman, Services; Charlie Reiss, Officiating. Miscellaneous Contracts. Fundraisers.

Carried:  5-0

Mrs. Raes, Board Treasurer, presented to the Board an Audited Statement of Fund Balances as of June 30, 2022.

Motion by Ms. Adkins to approve the presented Treasurer Report.

Second: Mr. Stoufer

Discussion: None

Carried: 5-0

Organizational Meeting

Call to Order:  Board Secretary Andrea Raes called the Organizational meeting to order.

Election of Board President

Ms. Adkins nominated Dorene Scheffel for President.   The nomination was seconded by Mrs. McDaniel.  

With no other nominations a roll call vote was called.

Discussion: None 

Roll Call Vote:  5-0 

Mrs. Raes administered the Oath of Office to Mrs. Scheffel.

Mrs. Raes turned the meeting over to Board President Scheffel.

Election of Board Vice-President

Mr. Weilage nominated Amie Adkins for Vice President.  The nomination was seconded by Mrs. McDaniel.

With no other nominations a roll call vote was called.

Discussion: None.

Roll Call Vote:  5-0 

Mrs. Raes administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Adkins.

Ms. Adkins motioned to appoint Mrs. Raes as Secretary and Treasurer.  The appointment was seconded by Mr. Weilage.

Discussion: None 

Vote:  5-0

Mrs. Scheffel administered the Oath of Office to Mrs. Raes. 

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to approve naming the American National Bank with a maximum depository of $13,000,000, UMB with a maximum depository of $4,000,000, and ISJIT‐PMA with a maximum depository of $32,000,000 as District


Second:  Ms. Adkins

Discussion:  None

Carried:  5-0

Motion by Ms. Adkins to approve naming the Nonpareil as the official publication of the District.

Second:  Mr. Weilage

Discussion:  None

Carried:  5-0

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to set Board of Education meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month, with exceptions for holidays and other changes that have been approved, at 6:30 pm, which is subject to change with notice in the ERC Board Room. 

Second:  Ms. Adkins

Discussion:  None

Carried:  5-0

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to appoint Mrs. McDaniel and Ms. Adkins to the Negotiations Committee and a third board member to be appointed.

Second: Ms. Adkins

Discussion:  None

Carried:  5-0

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to appoint Mr. Weilage as representative to the Mills County Conference Board.

Second:  Mrs. McDaniel

Discussion:  None

Carried:  5-0

Motion by Mr. Weilage to appoint Mr. Stoufer to the Pottawattamie County Conference Board.

Second:  Mr. Adkins

Discussion:  None

Carried:  5-0

Motion by Mr. Weilage to appoint Ms. Adkins, Mr. Stoufer and Mrs. Scheffel to the Facilities Committee.

Second: Mrs. McDaniel

Discussion:  None

Carried:  5-0


·         Dr. Hoesing presented a superintendent report including the introduction of Titan Talk, facility planning, late-start survey results, calendar development for 2024-2024 school year, PBIS rewards day at Titan Hill and trimester versus semester discussion.

Discussion Items

10.01     Board Member Resignation

The Board discussed the resignation of Board Member Bob Hendrix and the process for appointing a replacement.

10.02     Early Notification of Resignation Incentive

Dr. Hoesing presented an early notification of resignation or retirement incentive for certified staff who submit their notification by January 31, 2023. The incentive is a one-time payment of $1,500 to the first 15 certified staff members for a maximum of $22,500.

10.03     Blink Project Contribution

Mr. Black presented the payment to the Blink project in the amount of $100,000.

10.04     Open Enrollment Requests (2) (Closed Session)

Closed Session per Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (a), closed session is appropriate to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds.

Motion: Ms. Adkins

Second: Mr. Stoufer

Discussion: None

Carried via Roll Call Vote: Mr. Stoufer, aye; Mr. Weilage, aye; Ms. Adkins, aye; Mrs. McDaniel, aye; and Mrs. Scheffel, aye.

The board entered closed session at 7:28 p.m. 

The board exited closed session at 7:37p.m.

10.05     Employee Request for Other Paid or Unpaid Leave (Closed Session)

Closed Session per Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (a), closed session is appropriate to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds.  

Motion: Mr. Stoufer

Second: Mrs. McDaniel 

Discussion: None

Carried via Roll Call Vote: Mr. Weilage, aye; Ms. Adkins, aye; Mrs. McDaniel, aye; Mr. Stoufer, aye; and Mrs. Scheffel, aye.

The board entered closed session at 7:38 p.m. 

The board exited closed session at 7:40 p.m.

Comments & Suggestions

·                  none

Action Items

12.01     Early Notification of Resignation Incentive

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to approve the issuance of an Early Notification of Resignation Incentive in the amount of $1,500

for the first 15 qualified applicants, due January 31, 2023.

Seconded: Ms. Adkins

Discussion: None

Carried: 5-0

12.02     Blink Project Contribution

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to approve the issuance of payment for the Blink Project in the amount of $100,000.

Seconded: Ms. Adkins

Discussion: None

Carried: 5-0

12.03     Open‐Enrollment Application Request

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to deny the open enrollment request for Student A.

Seconded: Ms. Adkins

Discussion: None

Carried: 5-0

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to deny the open enrollment request for Student B.

Seconded: Ms. Adkins

Discussion: None

Carried: 5-0

12.04     Employee Leave Request

Motion by Mr. Stoufer to approve the employee leave as requested.

Seconded: Mr. Weilage

Discussion: None

Carried: 5-0

Information/Future Items

*Regular School Board Meeting – December 19th with start time dependent upon board director vacancy interviews

With no further business before them, at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Stoufer motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mrs. McDaniel. By voice vote, all were in favor.

  • School board minutes