April 15, 2024 Board Minutes
MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2024
Un-Official Minutes
Call to Order: Board President Dorene Scheffel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 pm. At roll call, the following board members responded as present: Mr. Houseton, Mrs. McDaniel, Mrs. Petersen, Mr. Sorensen, Mr. Wright and Mrs. Scheffel.
Members Absent: Ms. Adkins
Administrators: Dr. Brent Hoesing, Andrea Raes and Dr. Lisa Hartman
Approve Agenda:
Motion: Mr. Houseton
Second: Mr. Sorensen
Discussion: None
Carried: 6-0
2024-25 Budget Public Hearing
Commendations/Good News/Visitors:
· Paraeducators – Grant Participants
· iCAP
Comments & Suggestions: None
Consent Agenda: Mr. Houseton moved, seconded by Mrs. McDaniel, that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Discussion: The Consent Agenda included approval of minutes – April 1st Public Hearing and April 1st meeting. Bills recommended for payment. Personnel – Administrative Recommendations: Classified Approval to Employ – Meadow Christensen, KR FT Custodian; Megan Roberts, TH Paraeducator; Joseph Glover, TRN Bus Monitor; Kaitlin Kinnick, TH NS Associate. Classified Resignations/Terminations/Rescinded offers – Danny Davidson, KR FT Custodian(correction); Paige Hammermeister, LCLC Lead; Ryan Hadden, TH VH Custodian; Karen Schneidewind, TH Paraeducator; Brittany Schultz, TH Paraeducator. Licensed Transfers – Laura Nickman, TH Art Teacher to MS Art Teacher; Billy Sanders, MS Social Studies Teacher to MS Health Teacher. Miscellaneous Contracts. Gifts/Grafts. Fundraisers.
Carried: 6-0
· Dr. Hoesing presented the planned summer projects.
· Dr. Reynolds and Mr. Vinchattle presented the findings from the scheduling committee.
Discussion Items
8.01 2024‐25 Budget and Certified Levy’s
Mrs. Raes presented the District’s 2024-25 proposed levy rate of $10.28795, which is the rate that was published. The total taxes levied of $17,143,653 is less than the initial maximum property tax submitted in March and presented at the 1st public hearing.
8.02 Summer Asphalt Repair/Renovation Projects
Dr. Hoesing presented the 3 bids from Century Asphalt, Surface 1 Asphalt, and Lakeside Landscaping for summer asphalt repairs and renovations. Century Asphalt had the low bid to include the Middle School at $8,121.00, the High School at $21,491.91 and Titan Hill at $6,426.00.
8.03 Summer Concrete Repair/Renovation Projects
Dr. Hoesing presented the 3 bids from Century Asphalt, Paulson, and Lakeside Landscaping for concrete at the Middle School. Century Asphalt had the low bid of $24,268.00.
8.04 Summer Flooring Renovation/Repair Projects
Dr. Hoesing proposed tabling this item.
8.05 Recommendation to move from Trimesters to Semester (2025‐26)
Dr. Hoesing, Mr. Vinchattle and Dr. Reynolds presented the committee’s process and findings of trimesters vs semesters.
8.06 Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreement with LCEA
Dr. Hoesing presented the agreement with the LCEA for a 2.7% increase which includes movement on all steps, lateral movements, $333 increase to the base, $3000 increase to the career increments. The agreement also includes language change for approved non-graduate level credit for lane changes and supplemental salary changes for Cheer, Dance, and Mock Trial Sponsors.
Comments & Suggestions: None
Action Items
10.01 2024‐25 Budget and Certified Levy’s
Motion by Mr. Houseton approve to the 2024‐25 Budget and Certified Levy as presented.
Seconded: Mrs. McDaniel
Discussion: None
Carried: 6-0
10.02 Summer Asphalt Repair/Renovation Projects
Motion by Mr. Houseton moved to approve the bid package for summer asphalt repairs and renovations to Century Asphalt for the amount of $36,038.91.
Seconded: Mrs. McDaniel
Discussion: None
Carried: 6-0
10.03 Summer Concrete Repair/Renovation Projects
Motion by Mr. Houseton moved to approve the bid package for summer concrete repairs and renovations to Century Asphalt for the amount of $24,268.00.
Seconded: Mrs. McDaniel
Discussion: None
Carried: 6-0
10.04 Summer Flooring Renovation/Repair Projects
Motion by Mr. Houseton moved to table this item.
Seconded: Mrs. McDaniel
Discussion: None
Carried: 6-0
10.05 Recommendation to move from Trimesters to Semester (2025‐26)
Motion by Mr. Houseton moved to approve the recommendation to move from Trimesters to Semesters starting the 2025‐26 school year.
Seconded: Mrs. McDaniel
Discussion: None
Carried: 6-0
10.06 Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreement with LCEA
Motion by Mr. Houseton moved approve the Agreement with the LCEA as presented for the 2024‐25 school year.
Seconded: Mr. Wright
Discussion: None
Carried: 6-0
Information/Future Items
*Regular Board Meeting – May 6th at 6:30 p.m.
With no further business before them, at 8:42 p.m. Mrs. McDaniel motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Wright. By voice vote, all were in favor.
- School board minutes